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Harness the power of the Mirror Effect

Love is a Mirror of who we are

Available now on Amazon Kindle & Paperback

Everyone is your mirror. This is the greatest of all relationships secrets and the only one you really need to understand to transform all your relationships. What this means is that others are simply reflecting parts of your own consciousness back to you, giving you an opportunity to experience yourself. To change anything in your relationships, be the change you want to see. This book will teach you how to recognize yourself in other people and use that as a catalyst in your journey towards self-mastery.


A relationship is, what you are. To internalize that everyone is your mirror, you must first understand it. It is only when you understand what it truly means to see yourself reflected back at you, there is no room for blame, there is no room for judgment and there is no room to feel like a victim of another person’s actions or words.


This book explores the spiritual meaning behind the side chick, the fallback girl and the emotionally unavailable. If you are tired of attracting narcissistic, dysfunctional relationships into your life, this book will give you play by play strategies to master yourself and upgrade the quality of relationships in your life. Are you ready to harness the power of the mirror effect?

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